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Tile Replacement & Grout Re-Coloring
This Kitchen Floor had several broken and cracked tiles. The grout was heavily stained 
and dirty. We power cleaned the floor, replaced the broken tiles and re-colored the 
grout... Her Kitchen Floor looks Brand New!

Removing Grout from joints

Breaking the center of the tile for easy removal
First you need to remove the Grout from the 
joints. A grout removal tool works well for 
removing the grout.
Using a hammer and chisel, Break the center of 
the tile for easy removal.
Scraping off tile adhesive from floor Tile removed, floor scraped clean and ready for new tile installation
Using a floor scraper, you need to scrape off
any tile adhesive from the floor.
Tile is removed, the floor is scraped clean and 
ready for new tile installation
Tile installed after tile replacement
Mastic was applied to a new tile and installed.
Let it dry overnight and then grout the joint.
Several tiles were replaced in this kitchen.
Tile was cleaned first, then the broken tiles 
were replaced and grouted. 
Next: The homeowner wanted her grout re-colored.
color test for homeowner after re-coloring
The first color she selected was Delorean Gray.
I did a sample area and left it overnight for her 
see. Next morning when we returned, she 
changed her mind and went with our suggestion - 
Sandstone was the final color. 
Finished Floor - Broken tiles replaced, floor was 
power cleaned and the grout was re-colored.

Before Cleaning and Grout Coloring

After Cleaning and Grout Coloring

Before Cleaning and Grout Coloring After

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Tile and Grout  Maintenance & Repair

Tile Repair, Re-Grouting, Grout Cleaning, Coloring, Grout Sealing & New Installations

New Tile Installations are also available and we will help you with the layout and design of that
special project.  We have over 30 years experience and have a list of very satisfied customers. 

CALL US for a special Tile and Grout Inspection 
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Last Updated: Sunday, February 23, 2014
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